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The importance of proper stove installation

These days a lot of people are turning to woodburners and multi-fuel stoves rather than going for traditional central heating, with cost thought to be the overriding reason for the popularity surge. This is particularly the case given the harsh winter we’ve had—fuel costs are through the roof, but opting for an efficient and cost-effective stove could be a great way to keep budgets in check. But, some people are choosing to take it one step further and want to install their new stove themselves rather than hiring the professionals, perhaps thinking they’ll be able to save even more, but this can be a big mistake from a financial perspective as well as a safety one…

Not only will installing a stove yourself potentially put lives at risk thanks to the increased risk of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, but it’ll be a false economy in itself. You only need to think about the costs that could incur should a fire start, and if you didn’t have a qualified engineer install the stove a lot of insurance firms wouldn’t pay out—you could potentially be left with a bill for thousands of pounds, so it makes far more sense to get things dealt with by the professionals. Besides, you really can’t put a price on people’s lives, so don’t run the risk and always make sure you get a qualified and registered engineer who understands the importance of proper installation too. It’ll be worth it in the long run.

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