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Shopping For The Best Sparklers

Regardless of what you need to buy sparklers for, shopping for them can be a challenge beyond anything you might expect. It may seem like you can just head to any fireworks store and grab some sparklers off the shelf, but the fact is that there are so many brands, shapes, sizes, and colors of sparklers available today that you can quickly find yourself overwhelmed. On top of all that, the prices for the exact same item can vary greatly depending on where you are shopping, so making sure you get the best deal possible can be challenging as well. Lastly, there are different types of sparklers available that are designed specifically for a variety of events, meaning that you need to know what you’re looking for to find the right sparklers. Here are some things that will help you when you are shopping for sparklers to help you choose what’s best for you.

Types of Sparklers

The most important thing to become acquainted with is the various types of sparklers that you can buy. You need to keep in mind that there are going to be different lengths available for each style of sparkler, but they are literally just longer versions of the same type. First off, there are classic gold sparklers that are what most people think about when they picture sparklers in their mind. These are usually the cheapest variety, and they burn in the color gold.

Next, there is the more modern variation; color sparklers. These are just like the traditional gold sparklers except that the sparkles will come in a variety of different color options. There are going to be a lot of different brands that you see while shopping for color sparklers, but most of them are the same thing just different colors. The only exception to that rule is neon sparklers which produce colors that are much more vibrant and intense than those found in traditional style sparklers.

Lastly, there is what I call the “odd ball” group. This is all the novelty styles of sparklers that don’t really fit into a standard group because they are one-offs or highly specialized for a particular use. These items include bottle sparklers, cake sparklers, or sparklers that are formed into special shapes. There are even sparklers for weddings if you want to use them at that type of event, so there are really a lot of options out there. If you feel compelled to buy a specialty sparklers, that is completely up to you; but I suggest you stick with either the classic gold or color sparklers to keep things simple.

Where to Shop

Now that you know a little bit more about what you want to look for, you’ll need to do some research and figure out where you want to go shopping. In many states, the laws allow for grocery stores and firework tents to sell sparklers and other consumer class fireworks, but they are usually only able to do so for a limited period of time in the summer. Your other option, which is usually much less expensive, is to shop online for your sparklers. Not only can you shop from the comfort of your own home, but you can find a larger selection and better prices than shopping at a local store. Just make sure you’re ordering from a reputable online store and you are sure to be happy with your purchase.

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