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Protective clothing is essential for anyone tasked with handling used needles

Health and safety rules and regulations are there for very good reason. Employers have both a legal and moral duty to protect the people who work for them. Conditions can be potentially hazardous. Not everyone works behind a desk, and when there are risks to well being and personal safety, it’s vitally important to take the necessary steps to reduce the chances of an accident or incident from occurring.

Some people have to routinely handle needles. People who work in healthcare need to dispose of used needles for example. Other people involved in recycling and sanitation have to clear up any needles that they find. The consequences of an incident involving needles can be devastating, which is why anyone tasked with disposal and recycling needs to have the right kind of protective clothing.

Ordinary gloves aren’t up to the task. It’s essential that organisations invest in special needle stick resistant gloves to make sure workers can handle needles safely. This one simple safeguard can prevent a whole heap of problems from happening. Workers need protection and these gloves provide it. It means peace of mind all round.

Any organisation involved in this activity needs to work with reputable protective clothing suppliers to make sure employees can carry out this task safely. There are still far too many accidents and safety breaches in UK work places. Organisations must raise awareness, carry out regular risk assessments and make sure workers have the right clothing and equipment. A coordinated approach like this makes the workplace safer for everyone.

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