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Photographing Fireworks – Three Easy Tips

Every wannabe photographer has to have a go at shooting fireworks at some point in their career.  You could almost say it’s a rite of passage and similar to capturing lightening on film, it’s not the easiest thing to get right.  The good news is that there are three easy tips that can improve your chances of success:

1. Shoot From a Good Spot

Almost every good photograph of fireworks that you have seen will have been taken from a perfect vantage point.  You need to find somewhere that doesn’t come with any extraneous light sources as this can cause the shot to become over exposed which won’t do you any favors   By planning your position in advance you will see the difference in your photographs.

2. Take Multiple Shots

The best way to get an amazing photo is to set your camera to film a long exposure.  This way you will get several different fireworks on one frame making the final picture look much more exciting.  Make sure you set your camera on a tri-pod before attempting to do this however otherwise the photo will just end up being a blurry mess.

3. Stay Safe!

Finally before even attempting to take a photograph, make sure you are safe.  Don’t stand in the middle of the road to capture the perfect shot and make sure your camera equipment is protected from the elements before you begin.Before you know it you will be shooting fireworks like an expert!

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