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Let’s Have Our Coffee In Clicks

Wake up in the morning, on a lovely day, when the weather is fine, and there’s a cool breeze sweeping in to your room as you open the door, to your balcony, and sit there watching the sights of nature, the birds chirping or the morning dew falling off the leaves, and as you cherish this gift of nature, you extend your hand towards your table, and grab your coffee mug.  Most people prefer to have coffee in the mornings,

as it gives them the required kick start to their day. I remember my grandparents serving tea or coffee in the old traditional steel glasses, some of which come with a saucer, which they generally use to cool down the coffee. That was the trend of the yesteryears, which later was followed by the bone china coffee mugs, which again came with small saucers, which gave that elegance of having your coffee in a more sophisticated style, and as the days kept changing so has the trend in the methods of drinking coffee.

Nowadays, we have less time, to sit down and enjoy that coffee, with the change in lifestyle, and the longer working hours, we do not have time, to sit down relax, and sip on our coffee, we often, carry our coffee in small disposables or in a more modern flask that keeps it warm, and yet, also relieves us of the tension that it would spill as we walk. The coffee mug in most  cases nowadays, is a mere objective of a gift to someone, ironically you have the option of having pictures of your loved ones on it, which would make you want to keep it as a memento, in the showcase, rather than your kitchen shelf. Yet, in this rapid age, where life keeps us busy, day after day, it does feel special when you’re sitting down to relax after a tiring day, or on a Sunday evening when you have the whole family around, it still feels refreshing to have your favorite refreshing drink in that simple yet authentic coffee cup.

There is a huge variety of mugs available in the market. Like to name few, there are cups on which you can get the photos of your friend or family or Tiki mugs or there are puzzle mugs, then there are thermochromic mugs, there care mugs for romantic couple, for writers who need inspiration, for special cups for gamers and then there are cups for photographers. The one for photographers is a cup that is shaped like a camera lens. Interestingly it looks so real and an amateur may even get confused while looking at this camera lens coffee mug. Some of these mugs come even with a lid.

The Operations Manual Spells Easy Maintenance

These camera coffee mugs are thus perceived as innovative results of technological advancements, stretching the imagination of photography enthusiasts. Photographers who display innovative prowess in capturing picturesque shots, will enjoy their leisure time with beverages, both hold and cold from a single source – the Camera Lens Coffee Mug!

The mug is not microwave safe as its inner layer is manufactured using metal. In addition, magma along with any other acids or industrial solvents could cause damage to the mug.

Technology and desire – The unique culmination

A coffee cup hidden camera can hardly be suspected; thereby spying on people becomes easier. You can put the coffee cup anywhere you want and record as much as possible, according to your point of view. There might be situations where you want to investigate about something, surprise somebody or capture beauty of the nature.

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