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Ladies waterproof golf trousers are a must in the winter

It’s not just the guys who enjoy a round of golf. More woman than ever before are taking up the sport. It’s the perfect way to spend a morning or afternoon with friends. It’s great to be outdoors with friends enjoying the fresh air and the challenge of getting around under par.

Determined players are out on the course all year round. It might not sound like fun in the winter or when the heavens decide to open, but with the right clothing it doesn’t really matter what the weather does. It’s just a case of having waterproofs to hand and carrying on.v

As more women take up the game and it’s less of a male preserve, the sport is changing and becoming female friendly. Clothing manufacturers and suppliers are catering to their new audience with stylish and practical ranges of waterproof clothing for female players.

What’s really great is being able to find specialist retailers who look after the needs of female golfers first. Here players can find a huge choice of ladies waterproof golf trousers. On those really wet days a jacket just isn’t enough. Protected head to toe they can just shut the rain out and finish their round no problem.

When new players are looking to get started, a good set of clubs is a must, but budget for other essentials like womens waterproof trousers. It’s great to be able to enjoy a round of golf whatever the weather. The right kind of clothing makes all the difference.

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