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How Do Different T shirts Reveals Different Moods of The Person Wearing It.

Personality – A Signature Statement:
Watch your thoughts for they become words, Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits, Watch your habits for they become characters. Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
Mens T – Shirt:
A statement many thinkers have quoted and possibly I have also followed suit, They say wear the attire which personifies your personality. People from generations and history have carried forward   a trademark in the form of their dresses which have created a signature for them in society as an
individual or as a society.

History is Also Identified By Dresses:
Think dresses think Romans, Greeks and people in England  in the Elizabethan era. Dresses identified their position, strata and personality parse.  In today’s era the Muslim community has tried to keep a taboo on the dress code (Especially women) and hence created an identity. Dress code as created by its creators have expressed ones feelings and expression for the occasion.
The Modern Trend:
Now going further I state that yes beauty is something which captures ones attention but personality nevertheless captures your heart. It’s clear and stated that things you see can be erased but that which strikes your heart remains forever and personality does so.
The Trendsetter – T-Shirt
T – Shirt or the dress of the mass has built bridges not boundaries; it has played a major role in spreading the message of equality among the mass and youth. T-Shirt as history states dates back to over six centuries, it has really been a movement  for both youth and old and across all sex to express confidence, express expression, and express movement. As it say’s An individual is but the
product of his own thoughts, because what he thinks he becomes. This message stands a statement for the T-Shirt because T-Shirt acts as a statement for all occasions.
The Power Of Youth:
Youth of today feels not only confident but also sharpens the statement that personality has the hidden power to make open many closed doors but for which character must play its part, Character and personality cannot be embedded into your system but it must come within oneself.
T-Shirt might look like a simple attire but has the power to communicate a statement confidently that “we know what a person thinks not when he or she speaks what he thinks, but by his actions”. Action is the symbol of one’s confidence. Different designs of the T-Shirt express different movements and paths.
Personality – A Statement
Johann Wolfgang ones quoted that “Personality is everything in art, poetry and dress” It’s not only the quality, brand or design which matters but T-Shirt’s have really created an euphoria amongst the mass and especially the youth, it’s a movement and a momentum which is gathering a popularity wave. It’s really an irony that we have been able to understand this movement so late, the old
religious books also talk of personality and one being confident. Old religious books state that “Attractiveness and magnetism of one’s personality is the result of his inner radiance.”
So as a closing statement I state that T-Shirt’s are a revolution to uplift the spirit of those people who live life full. A tribute to the dress I quote “Humility is no substitute for a good and confident personality.”

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