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Disposing of Syringes in the Workplace

Any business, organisation or individual that needs to use syringes for any reason will need to know exactly how to safely dispose of them after they have been used. As such, not only will you need to know how to safely remove such items, but you will also need to know which items of clothing will be necessary to help you do this.

No matter whether you are disposing of needles used by yourself or another person, the process should always be the same and you should always use a dedicated sharps bin. Never try to remove needles from the bin and ensure you only ever fill the bin to the recommended level before moving onto the next bin. Make sure you arrange for regular and safe collections of these bins.

Never bend or break needles or syringes before you dispose of them and never use a bin not specifically designed for the disposal of such items. Furthermore, be sure you know what safety gear you will need. Contacting protective clothing suppliers will help you understand whether you will just need simple needlestick resistant gloves or more specific safety clothing. It is also wise to look at which makes are best, and whether the likes of Turtleskin clothing will be the best for your own needs.

Remember that you are not the only one at risk should you dispose of needles incorrectly. With so many diseases that can be passed on by needles and with so many potential problems being caused should certain drugs enter one’s bloodstream, the effects of not using the right bins and labelling them correctly can be very serious indeed.

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