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Best Source For Wedding Sparkler Holders

When you buy most brands of wedding sparklers, they will arrive in somewhat plain looking white boxes with the company logo printed on them. Don’t get me wrong, the packaging on wedding sparklers is much more appealing than the ones you find at those temporary tents that show up in the summer, but they still look like a box of sparklers. Fortunately, there are a lot of different places that make wedding sparkler holders that will dress up the way they look so you can proudly place them on each table without trying to camouflage that they’re there. There are versions available that can match any type of wedding décor, so finding something that will work for your wedding should be fairly easy.

The bad news is that since so many people are looking for sparkler holders, there is a never-ending amount of new people trying to get their fingers in the pie. This can lead to a lot of confusion when you’re trying to find the best source for wedding sparkler holders because the internet is such a cluttered place. Fortunately, there are a few standbys that are always there in a pinch, and I’ve taken the time to list a few of them below.


EBay is truly the largest marketplace in the work, and chances are you already have an account and do a good deal of shopping on their auction website. If you’re looking to find out if what you’re attempting to buy has a fair price tag on it, eBay is typically the first place most people look. This makes it a popular resource for wedding supplies because companies can liquidate a lot leftover products; including wedding sparkler holders. There are at least three big sellers of wedding sparkler holders currently active on their website, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding a good option. You’re also protected as a buyer on eBay, so you can rest assured that you won‘t get ripped off.


Etsy is a relatively new website that allows buyers to find handmade items and purchase them. It started off with just crafts like wreaths and birdhouses, but it quickly became a resource for people planning their weddings because of the handmade touches that you can’t find in commercially purchased items. Technically, they are only supposed to sell the handmade wedding sparkler holders, but many of the sellers also include 10 inch wedding sparklers already inserted into each holder. This makes using them at your wedding extra simple because there is literally no assembly required.

Make Your Own

You last option is to design and print your own wedding sparkler holders. This is the best option if you want something that is completely customized for you, but it will require a little more work than the other options. If you have some graphic editing skills, you can easily create your own design and send them off to the print shop for later pickup. Otherwise, there is a lot of great free templates available online that will help you get the perfect look out of your wedding sparkler holders without needing to pay a premium for someone else to design them for you.

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