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Anyone handling needles needs the right protective clothing

Health and safety matters. Employers must train and equip workers to carry out their job safely. Regular risk assessments should be carried out to ensure that staff are working safely. The workplace can expose employees to a huge range of different hazards. Disaster is sometimes lurking just around the corner. It’s vitally important to maintain high standards of safety and review process and procedure regularly.

Sometimes it’s necessary to kit workers out with protective clothing and not just in environments like construction sites. All kinds of different people are exposed to common everyday hazards, like handling and disposing of needles for example. Without needle stick resistant gloves this is potentially dangerous work. Protecting the palms and fingers is a must.

Needles are used everyday in healthcare. When it comes to handling and disposing of them for recycling workers must be careful. Special needle stick resistant gloves have been designed with this task in mind. They’re ultra tough. There’s no way the needle stick can penetrate, giving workers complete peace of mind when they are handling these potentially harmful items.

It’s not just healthcare workers who find themselves handling needles. Anyone who works in cleaning and recycling will come across them and be required to dispose of them. Having the right protective clothing at work is vitally important. No organisation wants to run the risk of a safety incident because of a lack of the right basic equipment. Making sure workers are protected is an essential part of maintaining good safety standards.

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