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5 simple Ways To Make Your Morning Commute More Fun

morning commute

Travelling to work is different for everyone. Some people live within walking distance of their workplace and others spend over an hour commuting to get there. For some, especially recently, working from home has meant that the morning commute is no longer an issue altogether. If you still find yourself in the position of needing to commute to your place of work most days, chances are you have experienced the boredom and relative stress that comes along with it. If there is no upcoming opportunity for you to reduce the amount of time you spend travelling to work by reducing your hours, it might be worthwhile for your mental well-being to find ways to make this tedious but necessary time more fun. Here are a few examples of how you can do this to make your commute less of a chore.

Enjoy A Calming Morning

Morning commutes tend to be more difficult than evening ones since they take place closely after waking up from sleep. Interrupted sleep followed by mandatory travel is nobody’s idea of fun, so make sure to give yourself plenty of time before heading out by going to bed at an adequate time the night before so that you wake up feeling refreshed rather than exhausted. Use the time before your commute to do something you enjoy such as listening to a podcast or eating something delicious. This gets your day off to a positive start.

Take Different Routes And Break Your Routine

One of the simplest methods of making your morning commute less tedious is to figure out two or three alternative routes that you can take which don’t eat into your work hours. By switching up your routine every now and then, you can avoid the boredom that comes with excessive repetition.

Choose An Exciting Mode Of Transport

Another way to make your commute less boring is to opt for a more exciting mode of transport. Perhaps you drive to work each day or get the bus, neither of which is particularly stimulating. Why not try BMG scooters for a more enjoyable and upbeat start to your day? The feeling of freedom and playfulness that riding a scooter provides can be enough to make you excited for your daily commute.

Get Some Exercise

It isn’t possible for everyone to walk or cycle to work since not everybody lives close enough. If it is a feasible idea, however, it is a great way to not only boost your mental well-being but also give your body the opportunity for some physical fitness each day.

Eliminate Your Commute Altogether

If your commute is truly making you dread each morning, it might be time to consider talking to your employer about the possibility of working remotely, either part-time or even full-time, to reduce the stress of travelling every day. Not every place of work can or will accommodate for this, so if your commute is becoming too much to bear then perhaps thinking about finding a job that helps you find the work-life balance you need is in order.

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