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Jewellery Buyers Guide To Garnet Gems


Garnet gemstones have been an enduring, classic favourite throughout the ages because they are so beautifully radiant. With their wide variety of dazzling colours, these gems are an ideal choice for any jewellery item, whether garnet bracelets, rings, earrings or pendants.

The following guide will explore some interesting facts about garnets.

Introduction to Garnet

Garnets have been used in jewellery designs throughout history – they have been found in the ruins of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. These jewels are one of the most incredible creations of nature are renowned for their spectacular range of colours and remarkable brilliance. The popular and fairly new discovery of the radiant orange Spessartite garnet variety from the Angola/Namibian border in the 1980’s was a key factor in promoting garnets as a leading gemstone for high-end jewellery manufacturers and designers.

Most people perceive garnets as red stones, however they come in every colour of the rainbow except for blue. The different varieties are classified by their distinct colour. For example, Pyrope garnets come in various shades of red, while Spessartite garnets range from yellow and radiant orange (also known as ‘Mandarin garnets’) to red, brown and black. Tsavorite, Uvarovite and Demantoid are the names given to the green variety of garnets.

Tsavorite garnets, named by Tiffany jewellers in the 1960’s, originate from East Africa and are the most popular and valuable garnets today. They range from a light green to a deep dark green, matching even the finest emerald. These gems are highly sought after for their brilliance and sparkle, even flawed Tsavorite stones give off a magnificent sparkle.

Main Sources of Garnet

Africa is the main source of garnets, but they are also found in Brazil, Mexico, Bohemia, Australia and North America. One of the most sought after stones are the Russian Demantoid garnet which is a bright green stone found in the Ural Mountains of Russia.

Garnet Buyers Tips

• Garnets are a fairly hard, durable gemstone weighing 7.0 to 7.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This makes them highly suitable for use in jewellery since they withstand cutting and polishing well. In addition, they can even be set into rings or bracelets, which tend to bear the main brunt of daily wear and tear.
• These lovely gems have an extremely high refractive index (sparkle).
• While Demantoid garnets are one of the most valuable varieties of garnet, large, quality specimens are extremely rare.
• Generally, garnets are not treated or enhanced artificially, which greatly appeals to discerning collectors.
• Garnets gemstones are measured in carat weight, an important factor in establishing the value of each stone.
• As with all gems, the cut, clarity and colour levels of garnet are vitally important when establishing its value.
• The cut of these gemstones can make them appear larger, such as rectangular shapes rather than circular. Other prized shapes are emerald and cushion marquise, although the princess cut tends to be one of the most popular.
• A good cut is also significant in displaying the brilliance and sparkle of the garnet and helps to bring out the clarity by concealing any inclusions (tiny inherent fissures) which may occur in the stone.
• Garnets generally have no visible inclusions with the exception of Demantoid garnets which have fuzzy, ‘horse tail’ like inclusions. These however increase the value of the stone, which is unusual in gem evaluation.
• Avoid choosing Tsavorite garnets that look more like aquamarines – the closer these gems are to an emerald green, the more valuable the stone will be.

Zodiac & Health benefits

Garnets are the traditional birthstone for January and represent the Zodiac sign of Aquarius. They are also an ideal gift for a second and sixth anniversary.
These stunning gems are believed to have healing powers such as regulating the heart and blood flow, relieving skin irritations and aiding in depression, as well as being symbolic of friendship. In early cultures, they were often worn as a protection against bad luck, evil, poisoning and lightening. Garnets are also believed to attract good health and happiness.


With their sparkle and brilliant colouration, these gems are a must for any jewellery collection. While they look superb when set into any type of jewellery, garnet bracelets in particular are currently highly sought after in fashion circles.

Author Bio:- Julia Littlewood is a Jewellery Designer. She is passionate about ornaments, gems and stones. If you want to explore the most vibrant and widest range of jewellery pieces , she suggests you to visit The Jewellery Channel. Julia loves joining parties, fashion shows, exhibitions apart from designing costume jewelleries and writing articles for her followers.
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