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Explore The Positives Of Cycling In Warm Rain

How does it feel when it rains in mid-June while cycling? It simply leaves you outraged. Isn’t it? Well, when a sudden change in the jet stream winds brings the Brits a washout into July, it does leave almost everyone shocked for some time.

In order to keep your spirit high even in the unseasonal rain as a cyclist, let us take a look into a few simple tips. Well, this is a range of choices. Choose that suits you best.

Do not over-dress
It is much worse getting steamed alive in too much clothing than getting drenched on a bike. It is easy to forget how fast you warm up riding a bike. Even if the temperature remains around 10c, it will get you a warm feeling if you wear the winter rainwear.

Make an investment in light rain jacket
If you can afford it, it is worth opting for different jackets for biking for the different seasons. You can use a flimsy version of a jacket that packs down to nearly nothing in your bag. Even if the rain turns out to be a heavy downpour, that jacket will keep any chill away. If you have enough money, you can buy a breathable bike jacket. While investing in a light jacket is a good idea to be safe from the rain, it is also important to opt for a high-visibility clothing. It will make you visible at any time of the day.

Take care of your feet
When it rains and it leads to the water logging, the first thing that you need to take care of is your feet during cycling. It is not a good practice cycling in wet shoes and socks. Therefore, wear a pair of winter overshoes. It will keep your feet dry.

Have some mudguards
Cycling in the rain without mudguards is not a good idea. The road grime clung on to the front and the back of your cycle does not look good. This looks even worse when people cycle in work clothes. It is unsocial as well. Try to stay ahead of a man on a mud-guard less cycle. If you think that slick lines of cycle can be a problem for you, you can get some clip-on/clip-off kind of mudguards. You can even opt for an individual wet and dry weather transposing cycle.

Do not think too much about the rain
If it is a low temperature around, and you are going on a long trip, it can be horrible. But, when you have an opportunity to get changed at the end of your ride in the summer; it is not that bad. Well, sometimes it turns out to be a bad moment when you remove the curtain and see the rain.

When you do every possible thing to have a good ride on your bike in the summer rain, isn’t it a nice moment to enjoy the rain. What could be a better idea than leaving the rainwear at your home altogether and ride in the rain. Believe me, it would be a real pleasure.

Author bio:- Rebecca Williams is a sports–addict and a committed wanderer. She loves adventurous holidays and backpacking. When she is not travelling with her friends, writing articles is her favourite pass time. She has written articles on several topics related to road safety. She has put an emphasis on hi-vis gilet in her recent articles. To explore more about safety wear for running, you may visit

Rebecca is also passionate about photography which truly shows in her G+ profile.

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