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The glamor quotient is the constant concern of today’s generation and every one wants to top their counter parts. Well here goes the constant struggle to look fabulous all time. At times it is emo look, or branded clothes or new hair styles or hair color, but the fact is it seems to have no end. The fashion has become the alpha and omega of our life.

If we spare our self of the controversy that the present scenario is right or wrong but ponder upon the marvelous revelation that tend to make our presence in any situation an appealing matter, then certainly we need to thank Mr. fashion!

May be the consistent obsession leads to lot of extravaganza in the cosmetic budget but people need to establish that the real beauty is of their personality, the emotional and the intellectual part that can create the luminous aura around us that the thousand watt limelight fails to do at times. So the best advice is to do yourself a favor of accepting your body type, its curves or edges (!) as well as the qualities that you have inculcated through your life. Then only embark on the journey of style and being trendy.

It is important to come closer to the authentic self and your own comfort zones whether you are male or female ,then only you should choose the dress, outfits, accessories , footwear etc that goes with your inner “you”. It may come as a surprise to you but it is not always about the fake persona that you need to carry all the way, you can be really confident with your unique and individual style.

The best trend or the fashion for any individual is to be comfortable and confident in what ever they are carrying. You can always add the enchantment by that gorgeous smile of yours and that twinkle in your eyes or the superb wit that drives every one crazy.

You need to keep experimenting and the only way to be the leader of the pack to be the bold one to adopt the new styles(this doesn’t mean hasty decisions like blond hair on dark skin!) but you need to figure out and explore what suits and depicts your personality your artistic way of life, your ideas. As you come closer to the acceptance and the creative self you will be more resourceful and more daring while seeking the different ways of elaborating on your sense of style and fashion.

It is really good ideas if you keep a role model that way you stay motivated but it is not to suggest that you feel low or frustrated with your own self. It is important to have healthy and positive self image which will ease you even on a bad day as well.

Finally, we all will agree that the best styles are those which make us happy, contented and comfortable with our self. Also, that suits our pocket. Certainly it won’t be much fun if you have spend half of your earning on that killer shoes whose fashion will fade away the coming season. Try to be cautious while making such silliness and stay honest to your self and yes, to your budget as well!

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