When it comes to finding a designer hoodie the world really is your oyster. I’m a big believer in dressing casually and feeling comfortable. I mean, I would literally live in hoodies if I could. But as the world of fashion and style have yet to accept a hoodie as a ‘business look’ I only get to wear mine out of the office (except on dress down days)….
How To Dress The Part At A Business Meeting
The first thing that you need to remember is that first impressions count when dressing for a business meeting. And they don’t only count when you’re at work. Whether you are out in public, at a meeting or going on a date, it is vital that you make a great first impression. For now I am going to focus on business meetings and how to ensure that you can dress the part so that you can make the right impression on your colleagues, managers and business associates….
Why Tippy Toes Kids Is The Best Children’s Online Boutique 2014
Finding quality children’s clothing online can be a challenge. There are many cheap, knock off designs which compromise on quality. It can be disheartening to buy clothes that fall apart within weeks through normal wear and tear. Therefore I am always on the lookout for quality children’s online boutiques that stock a wide range of styles. Last month I came across a children and baby boutique clothing store called Tippy Toes Kids. Here is why I think they are the best children’s online boutique in 2014….
Let’s Have Our Coffee In Clicks
Wake up in the morning, on a lovely day, when the weather is fine, and there’s a cool breeze sweeping in to your room as you open the door, to your balcony, and sit there watching the sights of nature, the birds chirping or the morning dew falling off the leaves, and as you cherish this gift of nature, you extend your hand towards your table, and grab your coffee mug. Most people prefer to have coffee in the mornings,