Many shop keepers who own jewelry displays will tell you that absolutely anything can happen with them and how it is so easy to cause permanent damage to them, not just when you’re not being careful but even when you are, because it doesn’t take much to damage them. Here are a few mistakes you should definitely avoid if you want to keep your jewelry displays in one piece….
What Allergies Can Cause Non Precious Metals
Does itching and redness develop on the area where you wore non precious metals? What you have is called allergic contact dermatitis. It’s an itchy red rash that develops when the skin comes in contact with a material that’s usually not dangerous. Nickel is the most common substance that causes the sensitivity. However, non precious metals are not the only items that contain nickel. It can also be found in hooks, belt buckles, zippers and eyeglass frames….
5 Hints On Picking The Right Diamond Earrings To Match Your Outfit
Whether you are visiting the office or attending a formal dinner, you’ll need to create a look that matches the atmosphere, theme and style of your surroundings. By carefully selecting the earrings you are going to wear, you’ll help complement your outfit in an outstanding manner. This will take a great deal of thought though, since forming some suitable attire can only be done by considering the following five important factors….
Celebrity-Inspired Bling Styles to Make You Feel Like a Star
A gorgeous piece of jewelry can make you look like a star and feel like you’re ready to walk the red carpet. But not everyone can afford the serious bling worn by celebrities and Hollywood stars. You can look and feel like a star without paying celebrity-sized bills by adding a few pieces of affordable, celebrity-inspired jewelry to your wardrobe. Before you make your purchases, consider these tips to get the most mileage and feel of a celebrity lifestyle from your new accessories….